West Midlands writers celebrate DYCP success

We’ve had some delightful news over the last few days from writers in our region.

Nine writers in the West Midlands have been successful with their funding bids to Arts Council England, the DYCP (Developing Your Creative Practice) funding stream, which was announced this week.

Congratulations to all the writers who have been successful, all of whom will now be able to conduct research, have time to write, or enhance their writing work in some other way.

In particular, we’re delighted that these writers we’ve been working with recently have had successful DYCP bids in this latest funding round:
Stewart Derry in Lichfield
Emma Finlayson-Palmer in Wolverhampton
Justina Hart in Lichfield
Roya Khatiblou in Birmingham
George Ttouli in Coventry
We look forward to hearing much more from the writers in our region as they progress with their works-in-progress.
The next funding round of DYCP is now open. The deadline for submissions is 12noon on Tuesday 7 December 2021.
If you would like some guidance on your DYCP application, please contact us.