

SUBMISSION PERIOD NOW ENDED – thank you to all who applied.


Are you an emerging poet from a marginalised or underrepresented background who lives, works or studies in the West Midlands region?

The Dynamo mentoring scheme was first launched in 2016 and has supported almost 30 poets in developing their writing and opportunities. It offers emerging writers feedback on their poems, advice on the next steps with their writing career and guidance on getting your poems out there through publication and performance.

Dynamo provides free of charge one-to-one mentoring over a period of 18 months for emerging poets with experienced poet mentors and support and guidance from Nine Arches Press.

The scheme is targeted at emerging and early-stage poets who are from backgrounds which have been underrepresented in poetry publishing and in contemporary poetry in general – for example those who identify as; being D/deaf, disabled or chronically ill, neurodiverse, low-income, Black, Asian, mixed race and other ethnically diverse people, and LGBTQI+ people.

“Having a mentor who looked at my own personal works has been a great help. This is because I feel that my mentor has looked carefully at my individual poems and has noted even tiny details for improvement.”

“I am writing to say a HUGE thank you! I’ve benefitted so much from the Dynamo Mentoring Scheme. The workshops sparked many new ideas and pushed me to experiment with different forms and subject matters … my pamphlet now feels fresh and exciting once more, and has definitely levelled up!”

“I gained insight on how others can view my work therefore allowing me to view my work from their perspective too. From our mentoring session, I have picked up different ways how to edit my work for improvement. A really enjoyable and valuable scheme!” 

Feedback from Dynamo mentees.


The details:

There is no upper age limit to this scheme, but applicants must be aged 18+.

This scheme is offered in partnership with Writing West Midlands, for poets living, working or studying in the West Midlands.

Please note that current students studying a course of higher education at university (BA. MA or PhD) are not eligible to submit to the Dynamo programme.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday 18th December 2024, 12noon.

All applications must be made online via our submission portal. If you need assistance for reasons of accessibility, please contact us.


What to expect from Dynamo:

The scheme provides each mentee with an initial online conversation with Nine Arches Press editor and poet Jane Commane and includes discussion about routes open to new and emerging poets, advice on opportunities and a chance to discuss next steps.

The first mentoring session with an experienced published poet mentor will involve feedback on a short portfolio of poems.

A second mentoring session is offered to maintain support at midway stage for each mentee.

Please note all one-to-one sessions are provided online via Zoom.

Dynamo mentees also benefit from the offer of discounted or free places offered on Nine Arches Press workshops and events, a free four-issue subscription to Under the Radar magazine, and a regular newsletter.

A summer workshop day for mentees will take place in Birmingham in June 2025 and include the chance to meet other writers and take part in workshops led by experienced and established poets.

Poets interested in applying will be asked to complete an application form and submit three poems or extracts from poems (each poem should be no longer than 30 lines each) along with a statement of demonstrable need.

Personal data: we do ask for some personal information on this form to assess need and help us allocate the Dynamo mentorships. All information you give on this form will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with any third party outside of Nine Arches Press and Writing West Midlands during the selection process.

Please note: we sadly cannot give individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants. All decisions are final.

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