Beyond The Spectrum is a creative writing project for Autistic writers of all ages and abilities.
We’re working with Writing East Midlands to offer creative writing courses to adult writers with Autism. Led by a team of lead writers, each with lived experience of Autism, participants were encouraged to develop new skills, express themselves creatively, and establish new networks with other Autistic writers.
Starting in autumn 2022, we are delighted to announce the there will be free, online groups running across the Midlands for both adults and young people.
The groups will be a mixture of people who have written with us before, and new people too, but they will all be friendly and welcoming. And critically, they are all built to work for Autistic people.
You can book onto the groups by clicking on the button below and choosing the group that suits you best, or you can get in touch and have a chat with us first. We will talk you through how the workshops run and what’s involved.